
Build trust with your managed security customers.

Our tech helps MSP’s manage complex cybersecurity stuff

Why use 10dot?

No more expensive, complex and rigid big vendor systems
Mitigate security risk across your customer networks
Seamless deployments with transparent billing
Empower your in-house IT teams with tech that skills-up
A cloud native, enterprise-grade SOCaaS platform for MSP's

How our solutions help you:


How Robust is my Cyber Security?

Know the state of your devices in real-time. Measure key performance metrics to keep your defenses fighting-fit.


How does my security measure up?

Maintain configs, rules and policies. Run audits. Optimise your security posture and get your weekends back.


Where are my threats coming from?

Monitor & respond to your cyber threat events. Enjoy intuitive reports. Batten-down all the hatches & weather any storm.


What are the gaps in my armour?

Run quick vulnerability scans across any network element. Plug the holes with intensive polls.

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Products & Solutions

Spotlight Security Manager

Feature-driven security management. Real-time insight.

Whether you’re an internal network admin, or you’re a service provider running managed security services for your clients, Spotlight Security Manager will change the way you manage cyber risk, elevating your managed service value proposition.

Products & Solutions


Gatekeeper Vault

Deployed via the cloud and managed through Spotlight Security Manager, it’s security from edge-to-core made simple.

10dot Cloud Security

10dot Cloud Security
KwaZulu Natal
South Africa

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